WIP Name of nation: United Nations of Tarvia (U.N.T) Species: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/271/3/3/alien_species_concept_final_by_zachsmithson-d5g75og.jpg]The Tarviant[/url] The Tarviant Order is made of natives from Tarvia, hence their name. Bold, willing and trustful, they were the founders of the great nations of Tarvia. Standing six foot tall, slim and agile, they are warriors in every right. The Tarviant lifespan is quite average for such a race, 100 years to be exact. They are quick to adapt and recruit at a very young age. They are Spartan like in concept, killing the weak to hold the strong. To discipline whenever possible, the slightest flinch or groan and they will get 10 strikes with a baton. Their body structure is quite.... strange. They have very high bone density, especially in the ribs but they are also extremely light. If one was to pick up a Tarviant without his armour on, they would be surprised as they weigh like a feather. They have an extra heart and a strange organ added just above the entrance to the stomach. The [i]Cilatory[/i] is an organ that is available only for 1 out of 10 Tarviants, and the purpose of this organ is to make them have the ability to shoot out stomach acid out of there refined Tarviant throats, protecting it from the stomach acid. Their genders are also very strange. The way it works is that females will almost never see the outside worlds, protected in huge monasteries. The female is hold almost sacred in Tarviant society, so their protection is outmost important. Unfortunately for the Tarviant Order, the male birth rates are declining, meaning less troops for the U.T.L. The High Leaders still refuse to send women into battle, they are to be protected and defended, not used as soldiers in the front line. The Tarviant Templars have also noticed strange behaviour in the Tarviant females they are protecting. They have grown..... almost scheming. It is heresy to think of these thoughts but the Templars give a close eye. Description of government: The U.N.T is a conglomerate of 300 nations from the main planet of Tarvia. The 300 nations then put forward one representative to form the Tarviant Senate. The Senate has control over the small Water-to-Space Fleet Ships and the vast United Tarviant Army. The Senators rarely argue, due to their Spartan like personality. They are almost like a collective mind, a few thoughts of opposition every now and then but eventually, all will choose as one. Every four years, each Senator will be replaced by a candidate. This is how it has been since the founding of the U.N.T in 1922. Description of military: U.N.T Peacekeeping Forces [url=http://thorcx.deviantart.com/art/Gun-concept-New-Age-SSR-12-184768957].45 Cal Rifle[/url] (known as the "Shredder") is the standard Rifle of the Peacekeeping Forces. With a standard magazine holding 20 rounds, each of which is lethal enough to kill a man with one shot. It only has one mode and that is semi-automatic. It is a compact, lightweight rifle that when given to the Heavy Troopers, can actually be duel wielded. It's compact design is for urban combat, which is the specialty of the Templars that use it. Technological Overview: Cultural Overview: History: Other: