Due to the lack of responses to my original 'itch'.... in addition to some generous advice received via pm... I've decided to provide a more specific request thread. ;) I've selected some genre tags I'm willing to play, but must note that I will not write about magic / supernatural elements... ever. Sorry to be a bummer! Some ideas (I typically play females): - A young woman who lacks confidence and world experience jumps at her first opportunity to marry, thinking herself to be in love with her proposer. However, she finds that he has a darker image of their relationship than she had realized. - A young woman is held captive by an enemy army for reasons unbeknownst to her. Being kept in their camp, there's a chance for her to learn a lot of secrets about the enemy which may or may not be used in her favor. - A woman who has memory problems wakes up every day with varying amounts of knowledge about her situation. Sometimes she wakes up and recognizes the traveler with her, and sometimes she doesn't remember anything at all. (The purpose and drive of their journey can be determined by a partner.) - Anything more creative that you might come up with. I am customarily not creative when it comes to designing plots.... but I adore the creativity of others and respond well to those ideas. Once someone gives me something to work with, my creativity blossoms. :)