[quote=@Kronshi] 1. How big of posts are we talking here 2. I am willing to do the army prisoner one, but what time period is it set in 3. I usually play the sub myself so being the dom will be new, don't hate me if I fuck up 4. 6 is my favorite number so this list must have six things 5. Alpacas 6. How has your day been? [/quote] Thanks for the laugh(s). :) 1. I typically write 2-4 paragraph posts, but I also recognize that these are not always necessary. I'm pretty flexible, though I do PREFER longer posts. 2. I don't mind the time period so long as you state your preference up-front. I'm not great with technology though, so my go-to is typically medieval times (or simply a setting that is a few centuries old). 3. I don't hate anyone and love surprises. :) 4. Five is better. 5. Only if they are Chinese. 5. It's alright.. or as well as one can be when the day has only progressed by a few hours. :)