The Red never met in the same place twice. If they did physically meet, it was also through a messenger or a third party. This time would be no different. The organization was not entirely a criminal element, and had come completely out of nowhere. Controlled by a man obviously strong in both power and stature, The Red recruited hundreds of assassins and hit-men across the globe, giving them missions that no one would do without a large amount of money pushing them forward. Experienced assassins for The Red lived comfortably but had their share of bad stories. You knew this coming in today, and whether money or personal revenge lead you here, you were ready to kill for the enigmatic organization. The organization had hands throughout the United States, infiltrating all forms of government. The very idea of them was hard to believe, and it wasn't a secret that many denied their existence. The leader of the group was skilled in masking much of The Reds image. Contractors for The Red were contacted and usually sent to a nearby Hotel for their mission. Missions could vary from being from the direct chain of command, to a contract on someone. You have been looking forward to this meeting all week, arriving at the Sunset Lodge and Hotel located in Los Angeles, California. A lovely city full of bloodthirsty people, you make sure to take in the sights as you arrive. You were told to bring all equipment to the hotel but be discrete. The Red would takeover from there. Sure enough, as soon as you pull up to the Hotel, bellhops take much of your bags and direct you to the nearest conference room. Once there, you are seated with three others. You are all different, ranging from both your gender, ages and even ethnicity. Still, your eyes all say the same thing. All four of you have taken lives, and are ready to do so again. The uncomfortable silence is broken when a man enters the conference room, flanked by two others. Dressed in a black suit tailored specifically for him, the man smiles as he moves towards the tables you are seated in. Black, slicked back hair and a devilish grin, the man claps his hands as he reaches you all. "I am so glad all of you could make it today. I have a mission, should you all choose to accept. Its rather greenhorn, but will determine whether or not The Red can rely on you." The two men on the side bring forth 2 briefcases, and open them simultaneously. Cash stacked up on one another is a beautiful sight to see, and the leader stands in between both. "4 million dollars split between all four of you should the mission be successful. Good price to pay for this sort of job." His grin hid daggers as he spoke, and a chill runs down your spine. He cannot be trusted, that was for sure. The two suited bodyguards barely moved, and couldn't be seen behind their designer sunglasses. They watched the room like hawks, but other then that, barely registered the conversation. "Your first contract is fairly simple and easy. Recently, a businessman of ours defaulted on many of his loans. He's been borrowing money from us for a long time, and the time has arrived for his loans to be paid in full." The man starts to pace around the room as he voice booms throughout, his grin never leaving his face. He loves the sound of his own voice, and it was no secret every word was dripping with poison. "Mr. Alfred Pennington is currently building some type of art gallery on the outskirts of Los Angeles. The man is afraid of us, and we discovered recently he hired his own security team to guard the construction site. We at The Red don't take kindly to this sort of behavior. You are to go to the site, kill his pittance of a team, and kill Pennington. His security team is made up of jumpy mercenaries and prior military. Are we clear?" The decision is up to you now. The contract is lucrative, and honestly simple. Do you accept? (Any information you need about the site, team, etc., just ask. Don't be afraid if you have questions.)