Recca looked at Gaeriel his body started to change as he was morphed back into Spit Flower. "Huh? whats going on? Why am I Giant?" Spit Flower said out loud. "Hey Abagan thank man, looks like it won't be needed right now. I think the Rangers are just about ready glad you have my back brother." Recca said while giving a thumbs up to him. "Alright Rangers, Lets do this, Mega Dragonzord Fire!" A beam of energy flew out and struck Spit Flower dead center. "No why is this happening to me?" As he fell to the grown and exploded. "Alright guy good work," Tommy said. Recca jumped out of the Shadow winger and it jumped back threw time. "Ok, Commander we defeated the distortion here, we are ready to come home." "Roger that, starting recall on you first... Wait a moment. We can't lock on to you. Something is still blocking you. We need you to find the source." Recca looked around, "Hey 3rn smash that crystal. See if that gets rid of the distortion."