Shiranui had entered the Bell Tower and was making his way up, defeating any Rattata that dared to interrupted his climb. "He knows I caught Raijuu," he said to himself, "He'll be in for a surprise when he faces Kitakaze and hopefully Ho-Oh as well." Buta had evolved to a Piloswine by the time Shiranui found some warp pads. "Did whoever built this place import these from Saffron?" he asked himself as he negotiated the maze of pads and ramps. After defeating another pesky Rattata near the steps to the roof, Buta had evolved again; this time to a Mamoswine. Shiranui climbed to the roof where he saw Ho-Oh perched near the golden spire. "[i]Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon. It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer by shining its bright, rainbow-coloured wings.[/i]" "Ho-Oh, you've been my motivation for the past four years and now I ask if you'll accept my challenge to a battle," Shiarnui requested. With a squawk and a flapping of wings that created a brief rainbow in their wake, Ho-Oh accepted the battle and Shiranui sent Ruiji out. "Ruiji, Stone Edge!" Ho-Oh blew a searing golden flame at Ruiji and Shiranui consulted his Pokédex. Ruiji was scorched, but only suffered minor damage from the attack. "[i]Sacred Fire, a physical Fire-type move. The target is razed with a mystical fire of great intensity. It may also leave the target with a burn.[/i]" Ruiji conjured a ring around his branch-like arm that turned into various stones orbiting like a planetary ring system before throwing a punch. The attack struck Ho-Oh for heavy damage due to exploiting a double weakness and Shiranui readied an Ultra Ball. "Ultra Ball, go!" Shiranui threw the Ultra Ball and Ho-Oh was drawn in. After half a minute of shaking, the Ultra Ball popped open and Ho-Oh unleashed another Sacred Fire inferno, this time leaving Ruiji with a burn. Shiranui threw another Ultra Ball and Ho-Oh was drawn in. It didn't take nearly as long for Ho-Oh to escape and this time, the sunlight grew harsh from the bird using Sunny Day. Ruiji felt the attrition damage from the burn and Ho-Oh was panting. Shiranui tried another Ultra Ball and Ho-Oh escaped after half a minute of shaking, unleashing another Sacred Fire on Ruiji. Because of the sunlight, the Sacred Fire did enough damage for Ruiji to succumb to the burn. "Ruiji, return; Hitsuji, I choose you!" Shiranui switched the fallen Sudowoodo for his Ampharos and the battle was on. "Hitsuji, Thunder Wave! Mega Ring activate!" Shiranui activated the keystone on his Mega Ring and Hitsuji became a Mega Ampharos. Ho-Oh breathed out a golden flame that formed a 大 shape and Hitsuji was engulfed. Hitsuji felt minor damage thanks to the Dragon type his Mega form granted, but it was still a lot. The Mega Ampharos zapped Ho-Oh into paralysis and Shiranui threw a fourth Ultra Ball and the stricken Ho-Oh was drawn in. "Hope this one works," Shiranui said as he waited while the ball shook. Ho-Oh tried with all its limited might, but the ball pinged shut. Shiranui picked up the Ultra Ball and looked at it with both respect and awe. He decided not to name his new catch out of respect for the legendary that enamoured him through his childhood. "I'll take good care of you, Ho-Oh," he finished. Returning Hitsuji, Shiranui made his way back down through the Bell Tower. The bells on the tower had been ringing during the battle, but are now silent once again.