Name:Glenn Maynes (Persona) Axle Nationality:Irish Gender:Male Weakness: Fighting close up (Glenn) Building/Fixing things (Axle) Strengths: Fighting close up (Axle) Building/Fixing things (Glenn) Age:17 Appearance:[url] [/url] Traits:(Very Friendly Glenn) (Keeping to himself Axle) Backstory:Glenn's goal in life was to become a mechanic he just loved the idea of helping others with their possessions. He was never quiet at school there always people who he wanted to talk to around the corner even though he kept his secrets of what he really did at home. He liked to play a game with his brother where they plan if a nuclear war broke out or if robots took over the world what they would do it seemed childish and quite nerdy but he enjoyed it. Glenn was always up for activities of any sort he may not have been good at some but he cared about the experiences. Out of all the fun Glenn had his main problem in life was his MPD (Multiple personality disorder) his name was Axle. Axle was always making the wrong moves in life at one point he harassed one of his female Class mates and took up smoking . Axle learnt a martial art called "salate". Axle dosent like Glenn for the fact he tends to be hates fighting. Relationships:Glenn has MPD Personality: [center] Confident around friends but near people that threaten and intimidate him he tends to be a coward and feels sad when people think he is stupid or useless Axle Is different he tends to be a bully and never seems to be cowardly[/center] Other: [center] Glenn is athletic due to playing football He is also very good at fixing broken objects But has a hard time fighting close up Has MPD his other persona being Axle Axle enjoys having a rare smoke And playing the Violin (even with all that talk) Axle is very religious They have a gold pocket watch from there parents[/center]