[quote=@Expolar] I thought the goal was to find Wes. Why does everyone keep forgetting the guy? But I'm cool with it, I tried making Wes that character that no one can remember since he isn't around or talk to the other guild members that much. [/quote] Well by fail I kinda imagined it like how Samurai warriors 4 does it. Victory Conditions: Go to Edolas, Find Wes and make it home alive with him. [b]PASS[/b] Bonus Conditions: Assist Edolas Phoenix Wing in war and defeat Edolians Angelica, Maddox, and Pen. [b]PASS[/b] Destroy the Titan. [b]FAIL[/b] Stop all Edolians from going to Earthland. [b]FAIL[/b] So they still completed their goal. They just don't get all the points. XD