[h2]Gloria - Specter[/h2] Gloria was the last to be transported to the site. Mostly because she stalled in the Armory. Gloria didn't really have any reason she'd want to do this. Sure this Immortal guy had to be pretty bad but the reactor he was targeting was relatively isolated. If his intention had been to cause mass carnage there were other easier ways and even other nuclear reactors closer to populated centers. The death count from an overload would be minimal, in fact from what Gloria had seen on the news tapes most of the facility's crew had already been evacuated. However Gloria knew that if she tried to skip out on a mission she'd find herself back in prison before the battle was through. Sighing Gloria strapped on a weapons belt, she didn't like guns. To destructive and... inelegant, instead she took a number of stun grenades as well as a couple of the explosive variety. She strapped two combat knives to her hips and one to her hand before making her way to the control room where she was transported into the heart of the battle. Gloria couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes behind the others but already the main floor of the plant, far too close to the reactor was in chaos. They seemed to be fighting a losing battle. Chimera looked the worse for wear, McWizz was standing behind a 9 foot... pink golem and the Immortal was bearing down on Revel. They didn't have much time left. From the state of things it was clear that the Immortal would sweep them aside, whether it took him ten minutes or an hour. Everything they'd done so far seemed at its greatest capacity, yet the Immortal was unfazed and perhaps even... bored. They were nothing more than an annoyance to him. Like flees on a dogs back. None of them could hope to keep this up. Yet Gloria couldn't stand by and do nothing. When she had been in the armory it had simply been a matter of probability of success vs the collateral damage of failure, now that she was here however it was Gloria's life on the line. Crosscut couldn't transport them all out of harms way at the same time and when he finally realized that they couldn't win this it would be too late for him to save more than maybe one of them. Gloria wasn't taking chances on being that one. Their only option was to defeat the Immortal if they wanted to survive and Gloria knew damn well that she wasn't going to die in a power plant in the middle of god knows were surrounded by people she barely knew. On the streets Gloria had learned how to fight, it was never fair and it was never sportsman like but it kept her alive, there was no reason why the same rules shouldn't apply here. With the Immortal's attention focused on Revel Gloria had her shot at an attack. Her powers weren't exactly combat oriented but that didn't change what she needed to do. Gloria started to run fast as she could, she was still in her own clothing having no time to change and her shoes were built for silence and speed. At the last second Gloria leaped into the air catching the Immortal on the back. She wrapped her legs around his chest and pulled herself up so her head was next to his. In a matter of seconds she detached the knives from her belt and bringing them round she stabbed both of them viciously into the Immortal's eyes.