Ok, [quote=@Light] [@TheUnknowable] That's not the problem. The problem is that [@em] is assuming things about other characters. I suppose its not bothering anyone else because mine is the only character where such information is critical. But it's still something that people shouldn't do. I wouldn't say that he smells rotten. But the air of mystery he carries can easily prompt questions. As for how he does his work? You'll have to find out in character, heheh. [/quote] There's a word for using things your character shouldn't know, but I don't remember it. Power-playing maybe? I don't see it much, though. I'll just have her ask if he's from another world or land on Mym, since he doesn't act or dress like people in the area normally do. The skeletal horse thing will be a story she tells the adventurers, kind of like a ghost story. "You know the old man that runs this farm? He likes to animate his dead animals, sometimes. Sleep lightly, or you might wake up with a skeletal dog humping your leg."