Sienn's anger doubled when the employer made their presence known to the group and revealed he had fabricated this ambush. She glanced at the other mercenaries to gauge their reactions. The employer had organized a test for the group, and introduced the possibility (however unlikely) of getting them killed. Sienn was not a fan of tests, and top of that, the manipulative bastard wouldn't even show his face or arrive at the meeting in person. Probably a good move on his part, as Sienn would've likely shot him. There was no way Sienn was going to work for a person this shady, especially if that shady person just tried to get her killed. This bastard couldn't even be trusted to arrive at a meeting at all, let alone on time. How could she trust someone like that to keep their end of a deal. "Fuck this. I've seen what happened to the last bastards who worked for you." The Asari began walking towards the door, stepping over the many black armored corpses covering the floor.