'Bloody 'ell-!' I start, as some random blonde bombshell in punkish attire comes out of nowhere and begins going on at Liudolf- fuck, that's a stupid name- about how's she's a "boss-ass bitch" and wants to be addressed as such. Sorry, "as so". And grabs his wrist for an apparent unnecessary fist bump. She certainly got one part of her name right, anyway... she is fairly hot, though, so she has that going for her. 'Steady on, love,' I say quickly, 'you're gonna get yerself killed doin' dumb shit like that! Well, killed again, I guess. 'ere, what if, uh, what if someone 'ad 'ad a gun on 'em an' capped you fer grabbin' 'im, eh? What wouldja do then? Eh? Honestly.'