[h2]Gloria - Specter[/h2] Before Gloria could see what kind of damage her attack had done to the Immortal she heard a shout, not of pain or fear as would be expected but of anger. [i]"Stupid bitch!"[/i] Seconds later Gloria felt pain rip across her back as Revel's whips cut into her yanking her from the Immortal. He'd attacked her, Revel had attacked her, his whips yanked her from her station on the Immortal's back. She expected to hit hard unforgiving earth but as she landed Gloria felt something soft and furry. Quickly she scrambled away to look at the thing that had helped her. It was some sort of beast, her best guess was Chimera in another form, he had shape shifting powers after all. "Thanks." she muttered. Now on her feet and in as good condition as could be expected Gloria probed the wound on her back with her fingers. One of the hooks was deeper than the other but both were relatively superficial, if they got out of this alive a couple of stitches and a few days bed rest would see her in peek condition again. With a murderous intent on her face Gloria turned on her powers, excluding the whips from her intangible molecules. They fell through her body and moment later Gloria touched there ends allowing them to join her field. Gloria ground the whip ends into the floor with her foot causing them not only to bend but also to sink into the concrete. Her work done Gloria released them causing the weapons to become trapped in the stone. What did Revel need weapons for after all, so far he'd been all but useless and proved that he couldn't even be trusted to allow his teammates to attack. This wasn't over, if they both survived this then there would be a serious reckoning brewing. Gloria had however gathered some important information from listening to Revel try to negotiate with the Immortal. The ancient meta-human was apparently suicidal. Something Gloria understood all too well. He was however unfortunate enough to also be immortal. This must be the only way he could think of to end his life. Because Gloria was feeling spiteful and more than a little rage she decided that as well as stomping Revel's whip into the ground, she'd do the same with his plan. "He has no idea." She started, her face set hard. Gloria didn't actually know the limits to Revel's power which he claimed was precognition but it didn't matter. Her story was far more believable then his. "His ability to see the future is limited. He couldn't tell you what'll happen in an hour or two. He can barely see minutes ahead, sometimes only seconds. He has no idea if you'll survive the explosion or not. He just wants to convince you not to do it cause he loves his own miserable carcass too much." She was fairly confident that Revel was bluffing, she'd gotten a good read on him, he was the kind of guy that loved to be in control. Not as a leader but to know that he had power over everyone else. One of the surest ways to show that would be to talk about his knowledge of future events yet at the briefing the only piece of future info he'd shared was that Michelle's water bottle would spill. If he'd had more he would have used it, no his power was limited so much so that he didn't know how this fight ended much less if the Immortal would die from the blast. Pushing Revel's whips into the ground had given Gloria a rather nasty idea. Something she'd only try in the most dire situation, then again that was were they were now. The team was falling apart. No coordination, each member thinking there plan would work over everyone else's or being too scared to enter the fray. Gloria took one of the grenades from her belt and pulled the pin. She could be almost certain from the amount of damage a bullet did that detonating a grenade would do little damage to the Immortal. That was if she set it off outside of him. Gloria was capable of releasing things inside objects she phased through. Gloria kept talking as she prepared her plan. "He can't know one way or the other how this will turn out. You may live, you may die. More than likely if you survive you'll have a painful recovery or all your suffering will be over. No one can tell for sure." As Gloria was saying this she raised the grenade in her hand and activated her ability around the explosive and her arm. With determination born of a desperate need to live Gloria pushed the grenade into the Immortal's chest. As she hand entered his body Gloria gave off a scream that could shatter glass. She'd phased through humans and animals before and it was always mildly painful but never ever like this. This was like trying to force her way through a electric grid, worse even. In seconds Gloria dropped the grenade and yanked her arm out from the Immortal. As it was exposed to air pain raced over the skin, like a burn forming. The pressure of reintegration would provide enough force to detonate the grenade, if it really blew the guy apart from the inside out Gloria wanted a safe distance. Chimera had saved her a serious back injury and though she didn't really like his attitude Gloria owed him. Grabbing the beast by the scruff of the neck with her uninjured arm Gloria dragged both of them behind a concrete support beam. There she waited for the explosion.