Miki heard the bus crank an saw it move towards her as she swung on another of the horrors. she was actually briefly more worried about the bus running her over than the horrors getting her when the bus ran over two of them before stopping next to her. "Please tell me you can drive this thing?" Asked the scared girl inside after she opened the doors. [B]"Give me a moment an I'll get inside"[/B] said Miki with a laugh as she cracked the skull of another former student then swung in an over hand stroke hitting another so hard blood splattered everywhere. She put down several more as about four other students dove on the bus seeking safety then she noticed she had run out of close targets. Using the break in action Miki jumped onto the bus her breathing heavy but wearing a big smile. [B]"Hi, sorry it took me a bit but I'm here now. Let's drive in a circle in the parking lot and see if anybody else alive comes running out.[/B] she says with a giggle [B]"Oh an can we stop and get my cart, there's water an a little food not to mention a couple of extra bats."[/B] says Miki pointing were she left the stuff she'd collected