As goldilocks allowed himself to be fist bumped, even though it seemed like he would rather gurgle broken glass he very etiquettely expressed his disbelief of the name she had given him, "And your ... actual name?" he asked properly, extracting his wrist from her grasp. She planted her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow she blew a bubble with her gum, popping it loudly before she continued. [color=a187be]"Don't be rude, I told you. My. Name. Is. Boss. Ass. Bitch. But your mother calls me Daddy." [/color]She winked up at him. Her attention was caught by the blonde boy who was standing next to Sir Douche Nozzle. 'Steady on, love,' he said quickly, 'you're gonna get yerself killed doin' dumb shit like that! Well, killed again, I guess. 'ere, what if, uh, what if someone 'ad 'ad a gun on 'em an' capped you fer grabbin' 'im, eh? What wouldja do then? Eh? Honestly. [color=8882be]"Hmm,"[/color]She said flashing her dimples at him, "[color=a187be]I don't know, Sweet Cheeks. Seeing as i am quite good at being shot. Then i probably-"[/color] She leaned into his ear, surprised that she could actually reach it, lowering her voice to a whisper she purred, [color=a187be]"Go to hell."[/color] She laughed at her own funny, standing back up straight. She was momentarily distracted from her mirth as a mother fucking shark flew through the air, body slamming the girl who had thrown her knife at the pretentious asshat. She looked at everyone around her wide-eyed with her mouth agape. [color=a187be]"Uh...everyone else saw that too right?"[/color].. I mean she couldn't be that crazy, after all Tall-Pale-and-Pompous was about to wet himself he was laughing so hard.