"Oh, there are Zombies around here, alright." she said, answering a guild member that said they didn't think a zombie had been seen around this area in years. Creepy stories were a tradition at the guild, to try and test the courage of the younger members. Siana had never participated in it before, but she thought it was a bit fun. "In fact the old man that owns this farm is a powerful Necromancer. When I stayed here after leaving the Fog I woke up one night, during a full moon and I saw him, raising a warrior that had died a week earlier. "Go, my minion." he said to it, "go into the fog and slay the monsters that live within it." The Fog doesn't effect the undead, you see, but many of the monster inside of it are drawn to the dark energies in the undead. So you'd better sleep lightly. Neither of the moons may be full tonight, but you might still awaken to find a rotting corpse stepping across you, making its way into the Fog." Several of the younger members of the group started looking around, looking and listening for signs of the undead. "B-But he's not really going to create a zombie tonight, is he?" said a young man of about sixteen, his black irises huge from fright, and his skin an even paler shade of grey than the part imp's skin usually had. Siana smiled and stared at him, just long enough to let his fright grow a bit before telling the truth. "No, he's not going to make a zombie tonight." she said, to the sound of several adventurers exhaling a sigh of relief. "He is a Necromancer, and was a member of the guild for over a decade, but the only things he ever raises is a skeletal dog when his grandkids come over, as they like to play fetch with it, and one or two skeletal horses for when he needs to plow or pull his cart to the market in the city. He's can only keep them animated for three or four hours anyway, so you won't see them wondering around after dark." The group shared a laugh and Siana excused herself to walk over to the cloaked figure sitting under a tree. "So, are you hungry? Some of the richer adventurers chipped in and bought a pig from the farmer, and are roasting it now. They want to have a feast before setting off on a large mission." She looked the man over. "If you don't mind me saying so, you seem a bit distant, like you feel out of place. I know it's not my place to ask, but are you from another land or realm? I only ask because many people keep their old customs when they move or come through a portal, and no one here dresses in robes such as that."