[center][h2][color=magenta]Alexander Ziker - MicWiz[/color][/h2][/center] Shit hit the fan real quick this time. Alex's golems was basically a chew toy for the Immortal, his strength beyond his constructs capabilities. The truth of the situation frustrated him, he was talking about the uselessness of others, and yet what were his abilities compared to the others. He had to remember to apologize to his fellow comrades after this was over, but as of now, he would have to start imagining again. Alex constructed another golem, giving this one armor, a shied, but best of all, a blade of pure energy, not solidified. He gave this all to to the other golem, this took a lot of energy out of Alex, but he was still alert and could run, but as long as these were out, he would be hindered a bit. Alex was planning to have his golems attack, but he noticed Revel was...talking to the Immortal. Alex could not hear what he was saying, but he would not dare interrupt. Despite Alexs' own resolve, Gloria did not, she attacked, attempting to stab him in the eyes with her knife. Unfortunately, that would prove impossible, her knives broke instantly. Revel grabbed her and began to yell and scream in her face, he could not blame him. Even Crosscut appeared in an attempt to stop her. Then Michelle came, an argument was slowly forming between them. This would be a problem, the Immortal would be annoyed, and loose interest. Revel's plan may have worked, but there could have been another way to kill himself. "Think, think." Alex mumbled to himself, at this rate, they would kill everyone in the state of Florida. Crosscut appeared once again and gave them the order to kill, which would prove extremely difficult. Suddenly, things were appearing inside the Immortal, it was Crosscut, that plan may havd worked. An idea formed in his head hopefully this would work. Alex dispelled his golems, and with new found energy he created a pink dart. On the inside was liquefied energy, his plan was to imbued this into the objects that were jutting from the Immortals body. Alex was gonna use his intelligence on this one, by injecting energy into the steal beam, he would make the atom unstable. In an attempt to reach a stable state, it will give off more energy, known as quanta, making it radioactive, and in turn making Immortal radioactive. Alex was not sure if giving the Immortal radiation poisoning would kill him, but it was worth a try. The radioactive atoms would rip through his body, then would infect the rest of his body, destroying the rest of his bodily functions. Alex took and deep breath and fired at the steel beam in his stomach.