Name: Meng, Li Age: 25 Province: Ziyou de baolei Hand to Hand Arts:Drunken Fist Weapon Arts: Staff Appearance: [img],%2Bfounder%2Bof%2Bthe%2BDrunken%2BFist.jpg[/img] History: Li grew up on the streets since he was six, not knowing what happened to his parents and not caring because they were really horrible parents. He made a family of his own with other orphan children, surviving by stealing everything they could. He of course had no teacher to tell him how to fight so he taught himself how to fight with a staff. It came natural to him, so much so that when he was twelve he was picking fights with students of different masters twice his age, and winning. By this time as well he found his favorite drink, Sake. He would normally steal it from drunks who were passed out on the street. One of these encounters he ran into a man who every time he tried to take it would pull it away just in time and knock him head... from what it seemed like on accident. After the third time he grew angry and tried to smack the man in the head with his staff, but the man moved his head out the way, twisted and kicked Li in the face, sending him sprawling. long story short, li was impressed with the man, and followed him, and became his student once finding out he was a master of the drunken fist. He Quickly excelled at it... as it too came natural to him. As being his masters only student it was hard to tell if he was the best. The only way of finding out was again challenging other master students... and even a few masters. Though he has only beaten one master, He still has made a name for himself as a worthy adversary.