Chimera was slightly stunned as he hit the ground, almost surprised at his success at catching the smaller creature without hurting her. As Gloria thanked him, he nodded his head and quickly rolled to his feet, watching as she shouted out that Revel was lying. Yes, he knew that, but shouting out that he was lying was almost definitely a stupid plan, and Drake's suspicions about it being a terrible idea were confirmed as she leapt at the Immortal with the grenade. What the [i]hell[/i] could she possibly be thinking?! As she grabbed his fur, he followed the small girl like a dog on a leash, more out of simple confusion then obedience. Unfortunately, the plan didn't work and all it did was take the Immortals attention off of his plan and onto the reactor once again. "Do me a favor." He spoke, his voice no longer like the innocent Drakes, but now warbled and gravelly as if he was grinding his teeth down onto rocks as he spoke and the words slightly slurred thanks to his less than human mouth. "Any more brilliant plans you have, ask someone first." With that he rushed out from behind the pillar just in time to hear Crosscuts order: kill. He might as well have asked them to blow up the earth with nothing more than a potato and a tin can since that seemed easier than the task at hand. A blur in the corner of his eye caught Chimera's attention before he could join the fray; he watched Revel come shooting past him towards the reactor. Maybe he didn't like the mans arrogance, but twice he had been the only one to give any help at all to delaying this Meta, so if they were to stand any chance he needed to buy Revel time to do whatever it was he was doing. Without any more hesitation, Drake growled under his breath and charged the immortal, flapping his giant wings to begin to slowly get as much air as he could. As he did however, he saw the Immortal turn his sights. Drake had never been a fan of violence, much less death. When his partner was killed so quickly... So brutally... He froze and landed back down onto the ground. He couldn't have even moved fast enough to save her. She really was just gone, and he couldn't have done anything but watch on. His eyes darkened as he let out a vicious roar, suddenly charging the Immortal just as he turned around. This time Chimera was faster, leaping through the air and barreling straight into the immortal with his much larger mass, slamming him directly into the floor. "No more killing!" He shouted in his distorted voice, ripping into the meta's clothing with his feral claws but doing no damage to the actual man. Finding this unsuccessful, he simply used his tail to slam him into the wall. He attempted to repeat this plan, only to find the Immortal was finally recovering and caught his tail, this time slinging Drake into the cement structure with a much larger bang.