“Thanks,” I say to Levita as I leave with a cheery smile. “You too!” I manage to find our team’s room relatively quickly, mostly due to experience with hallways back home, and pick up my scarf as I sit down on the lump of hay that constitutes my bed. The scarf was never really fitted to someone as small as a Ralts, so it’s actually pretty big if it’s not folded up so much like it usually is. It’s almost big enough to be used as a blanket, but despite the fact that it isn’t, it feels nice to unfold it and hug it like one anyways. Ready to go to sleep, I close my eyes, and feel like I’m ready to drift off… Drift off… [i]DRIFT. OFF...[/i] I realize that a pile of straw isn’t really the most comfortable thing in the world to sleep on. Especially with the luxurious bedding I’m used to. Or maybe I’m just really anxious about what’s going to happen tomorrow. I’m known to do that quite often, actually. Like that one time when Dad said he’d be having foreign diplomats over for dinner tomorrow, and I kept bugging Leon about which way the forks were supposed to go when we were done eating, and it was all at two in the morning. Mom and Dad had a long talk with me after that happened… Yeah, I’m probably just anxious. [i]I should probably do something more productive instead of complaining to myself about the cheap beds…[/i] I think as I get out of the bed and grab my notebook and a spare pencil. I try to think of something to draw, but there’s nothing that’s both interesting and wouldn’t keep me up until tomorrow night trying to finish. I decide to start a little journal… diary… thing. It’ll be nice to have some sort of record of day-to-day events either way, so I don’t have to try and remember them myself. [i]‘Day One’[/i] I write, deciding to start with the date of our team’s formation. [i]‘I think I just might have made the right decision: Not only did I find a home here at the guild, everyone’s so nice here. You can literally bump into someone on the street and find a new friend in them. That’s how I met my teammate Levita, actually. She’s really calm and collected while still being compassionate, and kind of cute in a balloon-y sort of way. I guess not everyone’s really nice, though, because there was this [b]very grumpy Vanillite[/b] who claimed a whole room to himself, but even then, Scraps was willing to let us stay at his room for a while. Everything here has this weird way of balancing out’[/i] I don’t have time to finish or punctuate that statement when the door opens, and I close the book and hide the pencil in my bag again almost on reflex. Thankfully, it’s just that Nincada again, though he looks a little more scruffy than he did before at the cafeteria… “Oh, hi there,” I say to him nervously. “Mister… Sir... Um… I don’t think I ever got your name, actually.” I yawn slowly, tired and not sure what to think of the little guy.