[@Murtox] [@Jangel13] [color=ed145b]"I'm Amaya Nagisawa."[/color] she replied warmly. Then she turned to Angelo and said in a more annoyed tone. [color=ed145b]"No one is throwing anyone out of this bus. All of this whether we are useful or not is stupid. We are all alive now and we are going to try to stay that way."[/color] Though it was not entirely her fault, Amaya can't help but be irritated at Mikumi for starting this whole ridiculous conversation. [color=ed145b]"Ahem..."[/color] she continued. [color=ed145b]"Heinzt, here thinks that he can be useful in choosing the best place for shelter and such."[/color] She looks over at Mikumi and hopes she doesn't say anything that would hurt Heinzt's feelings. Afterwards, she sits back down again and feels a little bad for seeming a bit bossy.