[B]"Alright everyone I know you're worried, scared, confused or just plain depressed but we are all alive an that's what counts. Breathing is the primary factor for membership in the horror smashing club, later when we can find a safe place to shelter we can sort out a chain of command by election. I know some here might believe we should vote on every move but that delay isn't something we can afford, with a leader making the group's decisions that delay can be reduced; as my dad says a ship can't be run well by committee but only by a Captain.[/B] Miki says as she almost stops at the school gate pressing the nose of the bus against it. [B] "Now we vote quick Marina or out of town and don't try to over think this we don't have the luxury go with your gut or first choice so we don't get swarmed"[/B] says Miki She blushed as she realizes she's been acting like she was in command and a petty dictator at that. "Just like daddy wants" she says quietly to herself [B]"I vote Marina because we can escape the mainland and head for one of the coastal islands that might or might not be infected by this but in any case will have a smaller population[/B] she says as she shoves forward against the gate which squeals in the sound of breaking metal an concrete.