Aza had no doubt that Autumn would take care of the crystal. She knew she was leaving it in good hands. When Name mentioned having dinner together and Autumn began tugging on her arm begging her to join them she couldn't say no, not that she was going to anyway. "Of course I will be join you." She then stood at full height once again her knees aching from squatting. "I'm getting to old for this." She joked, knowing full well she was still and adolescent in any other Unicorn's eyes. "I will be right back sweetheart I have to see if a new friend of my will join us." She patted Autumn on the head and went to find the room the new vampire was staying in. Lyx was his name? She shrugged and headed to his room, knocking on his door. "Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner, I know you won't eat most likely but it is a good chance to meet the others who are staying here, many of which are permanent residents." She called through the door and waited for a reply.