While Liam had Nikolia, He flew down to the Whirl Islands. He went deep into the cave investigating. Deep inside, he found the Legendary Pokemon, Lugia. "[i]Lugia, the Diving Pokemon. It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm.Lugia's wings pack devastating power-a light fluttering of its wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea.[/i]" "[i]Hello Liam,[/i]" A voice said in Liam's head. "Hello Lugia." Liam replied. "[i]I have been expecting you.[/i]" The Legendary continued. "You have?" "[i]Yes, I have deemed you to be a great trainer. But, now I want to see your skill for myself.[/i]" "Nikola, Ancient Power!" Liam called. The attack hit and all of Nikola's stats increased. Lugia fired back with Ice Beam. Nikola was instructed to use another Ancient Power and Lugia used Aeroblast, landing a critical hit. "Agility!" Liam called. The Zapdos increased its speed. Lugia used Recover. Nikola used another Agility and Lugia used Aeroblast and missed. the attack hit the water the pokemon were flying over, causing some to rain back down. "Nikola! Use Thunder, quickly!" The pseudo-rain made it a guaranteed hit and paralyzed Lugia. "Go Dusk Ball!" Liam called as he thew the ball suited to caves and night time. The ball began to shake. It shook two times and Lugia burst out. It used AeroBlast once more and KO'd Nikola. Liam sent out Hydro next. "Now, Hydro Mega Evolve!" Liam called as he activated the keystone. Hydro the Blastoise entered its Mega Form. "[i]Impressive,[/i]" Lugia commented. "Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. The attack hit Lugia, and Lugia's Thunderbolt hit as well, paralyzing Hydro. Liam used another Dusk Ball to try and capture Lugia. The Ball shook a few more times before Lugia burst out again. Lugia used Aeroblast again and hit Hydro. Liam called for Hydro to use Dark Pulse. Lugia used Charge Beam and hit Hydro again. Hydro wouldn't be able to take much more, Liam had to end it here, He tossed one final Dusk Ball. Lugia was sucked in and the ball shut. It shook once in midair before dropping into the water below. The ball shook once and snapped shut. Hydro retrieved the Dusk Ball and handed it off to Liam. "All right! I caught Lugia!" Liam exclaimed. "Boy, will Shiranui be in for a surprise when we meet back up." Liam called on Articuno and flew out of the cave and back to Mt Silver.