[h2]Gloria - Specter[/h2] Gloria's plan had been effective in conception but in practice it fell far short of what she expected. The broken remnants of her two combat knives lay scattered at the Immortal's feet. Luckily she still had one more strapped to her arm but that wasn't really a boon at the moment as the knives had shattered on contact with the Immortal's skin. Crosscut had come in just a moment before Gloria's grenade went off, trying to stop her but it made no difference one way or another. Gloria heard the bang of the explosive, severely muffled and the Immortal seemed no worse for wear. Gloria would never have considered doing that to a normal man and with the Immortal it seemed it was overkill. The insides should have been more penetrable than the exterior. In a vain attempt to rectify her mistake Crosscut warped into the zone materialized construction equipment inside the Immortal's body, just as with the grenade it seemed to have no effect. Gloria watched as McWizz infected the rebar with some form of energy. Finally this seemed to get the reaction of pain from the Immortal though he was no less capable of sending this plant into melt down. As the flying man made to attack McWizz he was impeded by a girl, Gloria had seen in the briefing, Gloria hadn't learned her name. The Immortal turned on her throwing the infected rebar at her. Though she was skilled enough with her power to prevent the rebar from cracking her skull the girl didn't see what was coming next, but Gloria did. The Specter started to run as fast as her legs would move in the girl's direction but a feeling deep within her told her she would be too late. The Immortal grasped the girl by the throat and despite the noise of the area Gloria heard the sickening sound of her neck crack. She was dead. Moments later the beast the Chimera had now become came barreling past her and slammed into the Immortal enraged. Chimera hit their enemy with enough force that he actually hit the ground before retaliating violently. Gloria stopped beside the dead girl and held her head in her arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't learn your name and I'm sorry you won't see anything that comes after. You deserved better than this." Words echoed in Gloria's head. [i]"I have to go somewhere else now don’t I?" "Gloria what did you do?"[/i] A single tear fell from Gloria's eyes and landed on the dead girl's forehead. "I promise you I'll make this right." With fire in her veins Gloria stood and turned to face the Immortal. After his fight with Chimera he was very close to the wall of the plant. This granted Gloria an opportunity she hadn't had before. Gloria started to run again. Her velocity increasing with her anger. Just as the Immortal was done shrugging off the impact of Chimera Gloria hit him with all her combined strength pushing him a few meters back into the wall. As she did this Gloria extended her powers around him. Pain shot up Gloria's body as she used her power over the massive electric field the Immortal was generating. Rage dulled the pain and Gloria pushed submerging the Immortal's head halfway into the concrete then pushing his hands in too. She moved a distance from him. This wouldn't hold long. With limited time and even more limited options a crazed plan came over Gloria, truly an insane idea and yet it might just work. Gloria glanced at the Immortal, then to the broken body of the nameless girl. Gloria started to sprint. Not towards the Immortal who for the moment was trapped but towards the Reactor Chamber. The doors were sealed but despite being impeded Gloria didn't break stride as she ran through the hallway. As she approached the door Gloria switch her gift into active being and phased straight throw the stainless steal. Once through the doors Gloria ran down the stairs taking then three at the time. She'd seen Revel repel down just a moment ago. Sure enough there he was at the bottom of the shaft, just above the reactor itself. "Revel, I need to talk to you." She was interrupted by the sound of fighting from upstairs. The battle wasn't going well. "Never mind what you did to my back, I deal with that later. I think I have a plan to stop the Immortal. We've been given the kill order and the Immortal wants to die. He's under the impression that a reactor meltdown is the only way to do it and he knows a lot more about his powers than we do. Maybe he's right, maybe the reactor is the only thing that can kill him. So we give him what he wants. Use the reactor to end his life but we do it in a way that won't cause an overload. If I phase him through all of the containment barriers and he rematerializes within the reactor itself with any luck it will immolate him leaving the plant unharmed. It'll royally screw up the reactor long term but short term we're down a super villain and the area is safe."