[color=a187be][i]"Your tales of necromancy are pathetic,"[/i][/color] he responded in a unimpressed tone. His gaze maintained his book as he spoke. [color=a187be][i]"But if you must know, you needn't worry about feeding me. I do not eat, sleep, or even breathe. And my clothing is solely for protection of identity..."[/i][/color] his voice trailed off as his head turned upward to face Siana. The dim glow of the campfire gave his mask a rusted color when combined with its bronze. It was perfectly featureless, save for two small slits for seeing. With a straight tone he asked [color=a187be][i]"Wouldn't want the locals to know that I'm undead, would they? Though I suppose such creatures are more welcome here than in my home plane?"[/i][/color]