The night was one to behold. Things had happened, and less than pure things may have ocurred. Gracelyn woke up and felt her neck. On it was a big red bump, nice and bright. That couldn't have possibly been something from last night. It was just a bump. Yeah, a bump. Nothing more. She looked up and stared into a mirror. One look. Two looks. Three looks. One last look. She slowly unhooked the sickle from the chain. Her face morphed into a blank stare, and she walked slowly towards Xerox. [Color=lime]Xerox dear. Did you happen to invent some stupid shit that may have had bad effects? Is that a possibility? Because if so, This little chain here would love to hoist you up by whatever it can. And see this empty whiskey bottle here? It's been itching to be swung. However, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Did you cause something like this? Cause if so, I WILL FUCKING STRANGLE YOU![/COLOR]