Dorisma smiled in a satisfied manner as the goblin finally went down. Her face turned to one of shock as she watched his body quickly dissolve into little more than goop that rapidly sank into the ground luckily leaving behind his cloak, dagger, and a single silver coin. Dorisma checked her coin purse and could've sworn it was a coin lighter, no matter she would just take this one. She pocketed the coin but stopped when she felt a shadow pass overhead, a large shadow. Glancing upwards she caught a glismp of what she could've sworn was an Aves, one of those strange flying eagles, another race that were oft times subject to human atack, "Come on down!" Dorsima called out unsure whether she would get a response or not. Hopefully the creature would come over and chat, after all, you couldn't do genocide with only 5 poeple. But it was certainly a good start.