The Immortal continued his slow walk to the Reactor Room, a door was the only obstacle in his path, until Bright Angel appeared in his path. He hadn't even noticed her at all before. What could she possibly do if she had been sitting out the entire fight until now? It did not matter, a child couldn't possibly do any harm to him. The Immortal would have simply pushed through her if it hadn't been for the intervention of Widowmaker. The feeling of bullets ricocheting off his back bugged him enough that he turned to see what was making his back itch. Widowmaker's flash bang was the only thing he saw, though. The blinding light disoriented him enough that he got turned around and began moving away from the Reactor Room instead of towards it. When The Immortal finally began regain his sight, MicWiz's pink golem greeted him with a large blade. The Immortal felt the impact against his skin, but nothing more. He clenched his fist and uppercut the construct. The attack was so powerful that it blew the golem burst into pieces on impact. Crosscut continued to watch as The Immortal continued his path of destruction. He felt helpless as he saw his teammates get figuratively torn apart by the powerful meta, though it wouldn't be much of a stretch to use the phrase literally if the battle continued. Crosscut couldn't even imagine how teammates like Widowmaker and Freyja felt. Speaking of Freyja, Crosscut hoped that her healing ability hadn't been too much of an exaggeration seeing how viciously The Immortal had struck her. Crosscut began contemplating trying to teleport as many of his teammates as possible back to base. He had already lost one and he didn't plan on losing anymore. Then he heard a familiar voice sound over the radio, "Reinforcements are here." A sudden crash later and there stood Hopper. At this point, any help was welcome. The Immortal was distracted by the new meta that stood before him, forgetting again about getting rid of MicWiz. "And what are you going to do?" he asked Hopper.