[@gamer5910] [@Araby264] The girl had waited several moments before hearing a boy exclaim he wanted to be picked for her little demonstration, though it was followed by a girl as well who seemed quietly excited for the opportunity. [color=9e0b0f]"Excellent!"[/color] The albino girl clapped her hands together and smiled, though this time instead of the pleasant and kind of before, it transformed her face into a twisted expression of destructive glee and painful pleasure. [color=9e0b0f]"I want you two to try to kill me."[/color] She stated, taking off all protective gear she was wearing - meaning her pullover, gloves and the bandages around her hands and arms, as well as her shoes and socks - to leave herself completely exposed. [color=9e0b0f]"Of course, I have to ask that you avoid crushing my skull or breaking my spine, just for simplicity sake." [/color]