Anyone he wanted to tell? It didn't take Jake very long to run through the list of people he might want to inform. The list of people he actually gave a crap about in this world or any other was a short one indeed. First and foremost were his family. Or at least the family he had back when he was a man. But he had a feeling they wouldn't be here. He hoped they weren't. He didn't want them wrapped up in the weirdness that was his life. Then there were a few other people who had been nice to Jake since his transformation. He thought about the woman who took him in for a brief period of time after his transformation. She had a kind heart. She gave a sad dog a place to sleep and a good meal, even though she didn't know him. Her kids were nice too, even if the teenager was a bit obnoxious. But again, he hoped they weren't here. They hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms. Jake had let his temper get the better of him when the woman's boyfriend came around. He was a jerk and didn't deserve her or her family. Jake had let him know this. Of course he came out looking like a savage animal and scared everyone he was trying to protect. He had run away after that, even though the youngest boy had begged him not to go. Just the memory of that boys face broke Jake's heart every time he thought of it. But there was someone else Jake thought about. Someone who Jake actually hoped was here, just so he could see a friendly face. "There's a girl..." Jake told Zachary "Her name's...Aya...She's always been nice to me." He let out a sigh and added "If anyone I know found themselves wrapped up in this mess it'd be her...Girl has a way of attracting trouble." [@GentlemanVaultBoy]