Yuudai was picking through what Lord Shima had decided to give them in terms of supplies and she had to admit that she was rather impressed by what they had gotten. The food was what she was most interested in of course, making sure to pick through the assortment and try and wonder just what she was going to do with it in terms of a proper meal. For a moment she looked back to the sword on her back, the old hilt of the blade poking out from the clothe it was covered in, wondering if she should obtain a new better blade than the one she had now. S shook that thought out of her mind, she was sure she would not even have to use it. Though she had been listening to the group and their talk on what to do she decided that just stating what each section would entail was not going to get them anywhere. Turning around she watched the silly poses that Jiang was putting on as he was thinking, she would never get use to that. Yuu decided to put the issue to rest [color=ed145b][i][b]"We are going to Uta to check up on some freindly sources, it will provide good leads and then we can head to Ru where they may have passed on their way out of Shima land. However if we must then we can go with the more shady areas, but I would like to avoid it as long as possible." [/b][/i][/color] Clearly she was not use to working in groups like this, as her indifferent tone was very much 'my way' about it.