The major continued to watch the battle but the outcome was already pretty clear. The team would not be able to subdue The Immortal with force. As individuals, they where all to weak and as team. Well, there was nothing that would indicate MetaOps had send in a team. There was just a group of individuals who failed to work together. When they would return Carnage would have to go all out in order to mold the survivors into a well functioning team. For now, Major Stone just focused on the battle and how each individual agent performed. From what he saw there was a stunning lack of leadership and communication. Not to mention that ego's collided in the face of defeat. The team was more busy with squabbling with each other then actually stopping The Immortal. All of them seemed to lose control and any form of cohesion in the unit was absent. Continuing this fight would be a pointless exercise if no one showed up who could lead the team and resolve the situation. The major once again turned towards the Director. "You should recruit The Immortal, sir. He does a better job than those pathetic weaklings you've send out to stop him." Joked the Major about the fact that Crosscut and his team got their ass kicked and where powerless in their attempts to save the nuclear reactor. It would be interesting to see if Hopper could do anything to change the situation. It would be an inconvenience if they all just got themselves killed. Then MetaOps would need to recruit a lot of new members. For the moment the Major continued to watch how this team performed. If they managed to survive this, there might be some hope for them to survive training. For now, the major could only watch and wait. His work would start when the team returns to base.