"I suppose you are wrinkly enough to be my maternal grandfather," noted Liudolf dryly, before his attention was too enraptured by the sudden appearance of a the aerial shark. That was truly an unexpected development, though one that was ... surprisingly unsurprising, although after having arrived in hell after a horrifyingly painful death, the strange and unexpected seemed quite regular instead. Was this a power that the card-thrower possessed from the very beginning? The reaction of said thrower was contradictory to such a hypothesis; the sudden laughter and overreaction were unsuited to one familiar with the usage of such powers. Therefore, it was likely that it was a power obtained after one's death. The aristocrat wondered if he or any of the other assembled teenagers were in possession of a supernatural power as well. He glanced down at his palms, their callouses evident of strong familiarity with the usage of bladed weaponry. What ability would have been granted to he in this new 'unlife'? Would they be related at all to the actions he had undertaken previously in the mortal realms? It was food for thought.