[quote=@t2wave] [h3]Storm[/h3]Despite the current conditions she couldn't ignore Makoto. Others could wait, right now her daughter was in pain and no matter what she was going to do her best to comfort her. They both likely needed it in all honesty. Waking up as someone else was not as easy thing to deal with. Thank god Estella's powers were not tied to emotions like her previous ones else the attack would not be the only damage dealt today. On instinct she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Makoto tightly. It was something she had grown accustomed to doing when raising her over the last few years. Her trying to get away didn't prevent her from holding on. It represented a level of trust that no matter what she would not let her go. "[color=yellow]It's alright. Let it out Makoto. I know this is not easy to wrestle with. I'm having trouble believing it myself.[/color]" Reaching up with one hand she wiped away a tear of her own. How exactly were two people supposed to inhabit the same body? Coexistence could be difficult enough in the physical world. But in a mental state it was much more unknown. [/quote] [quote=@Caits] [b]phoebe[/b] Hadnt Phoebe seem that Storm didn't survive? She winced, and began to look for Mokato, "I'll see if I can find her" she said softly, wondering where she would be, or even if she could do anything. All Phoebe wanted was to just find a quite area and let herself feel. But she couldn't, not while people were suffering. "Mokato!"'she called [/quote] Makoto didn't say much and though she knew the cadence of Ororo's speech, it wasn't her voice. It was Ororo's movements, but not her body. It was her expression of concern, but not her features. Everything about the situation felt so deeply wrong and impossible. She managed to ask no one in particular [b][color=fff79a]"How?"[/color][/b] as her mind fell through all of the cycling questions in her head. None of which Ororo could really answer. [i]How did this happen? How did Estella save/take mom? How was she going to get through loosing her mom again? How was she going to survive this semester's final exams? How did someone take down the entire school?[/i] Makoto recognized that many of her thoughts were selfish but as she had learned from both experience and from watching others, it's natural to think a bit selfishly at first as long as you can move past it and still think about others as well. She sat stiff against Estella's body, she just couldn't wrap her mind around Estella having her mom inside of her. Slowly, Makoto began to regain her composure. She felt empty and light, as if there was nothing left inside of her yet she knew there was. She was simply resting how, eyes puffy and bloodshot but calm. With her knees tucked into her chest and her arms folded across the top she rested her chin on her forearms. Makoto sat quietly, simply watching the people come about as hope and urgency faded. She vaguely heard her name floating on the spring breeze that kicked up dust and sand as it filtered through the now open area. Makoto didn't bother even looking for the origin of the call.