Jake had spent the best part of the night awake reading. When he wasn't doing that, he was mentally preparing the report he'd give when he returned to Galbadia Garden. Trying to keep himself to himself and not stir un-needed attention, as the night progressed he moved around the base avoiding the possibility of being cornered by other members of the team and to avoid them getting too close a glance of what he was up to. Most of what he'd read was either completely useless or just barely useful some mentions were made of certain 'plans' and it appeared that the 7691 reports contained not only reports he had made to the army, but records of his movements throughout Timber. Then there was the commotion within the base. Jake had managed to keep himself far enough away from the main body of the team that most of the occurrence to him was just noise. "What the hell are they doing now?" The SeeD had found himself asking at the time, though his curiosity of the situation would just lead to him having to hide better after spotting some of the partial aftermath. Although it was good to see that people were not so heavily focused on what had happened earlier that day the solution that one of them had concocted was far from what Jake would consider a sane choice. However sane choices was not something people were renowned for whilst under the influence of booze, he thanked his graces that he was anti-social enough to avoid becoming one of its victims. Having said that he had only narrowly escaped the gender changing lunatic, managing to give them the slip with the upper-hand of being sober. There were... sacrifices made on his escape route, a few unlucky support SeeD's who were bound to be a part of opposite crew by now. Once it had died down and SeeD's began to pass into the world of nod Jake used the opportunity to stash the files back away with his belongings before opting to keep watch over the base. Come morning the mercenary stifled a yawn as he decided to examine the true extent of what had unfolded during the late hours of night and early morning. He could recognise a few faces, most of which purely due to the fact that they had miraculously also avoided this 'experiment'. A small smirk grew on his face as he looked over the main team from the day before, most of whom were now members of the opposite gender. "Well now, this is a sight to behold." Jake managed to prevent himself from chuckling before he continued. "I suppose on the bright side, none of you will match your own descriptions of who the army will be searching for." Jake had been watching the room carefully, he had no idea where this tool was and didn't quiet fancy having it turned on him if any of them remembered where it had been stashed. Then there was an outburst by one of the team members at Xerox(?) these new appearances were going to take some getting used to it would seem. In fairness the SeeD in question had every right to be in current state of anger that had been displayed. "Well I can't say I witnessed everything that you got up to last night, but I can guess if he did cause it that his current appearance clearly displays that he didn't finish it."