Evening boys and girls. I'll be away for another few days come the weekend, but for the moment I am thankfully at my computer. . . . but damn, do I have a lot to read back on... [@soren] and [@obitokizuke], welcome back. I'll switch your characters to the active list asap. [quote=@Shiinen] He's gone for two weeks. XD [/quote] wat? That was a hella short two weeks XD Also, Munashii MANka is kinda trappy... in a good way. [quote=@SwordfishKnight] Another small question. How nsfw can we get? [/quote] Drugs, tasteful violence, swearing like sailors, but no sexy timez. More or less. As for Ramselyn, I'm perfectly happy for PM side conversations to be considered canon, even if they are out of synch with the thread's timeline. Hiya there [@Aerandir], we're always open for new talent. Pitch a CS and away we'll go.