[b]Urgop[/b] [b]Sarkh[/b] Urgop does not trust Sarkh, as he does not trust anybody. Sarkh is good muscle, but that is all. He's strong, and a threat. Urgop knows that if things go wrong, Sarkh is probably the best meat shield. [b]La[/b] The twi'lek is also not trustworthy. Her ways of seduction and trickery mean she is constantly plotting, which Urgop knows to be a potential sign of betrayal. She's perhaps the least trustworthy. [b]Gin[/b] The secretive member of the group has his uses. Urgop trusts him more than most of the cell. [b]March[/b] An assassin. After him? Urgop doesn't know. DEFINITELY not to be trust. [b]Renga Laxu[/b] A people-person. People-persons are usually liars and thieves. Another spy. [b]Arimax[/b] An analytical liar? No doubt a spy. [b]Keenan[/b] Another warrior meatshield. [b]Corvi[/b] EMPIRE. EMPIRE SCUM. [b]Vixai[/b] Disturbed hacker and spy? Very useful. Definitely not the first one to go should the need arise for a purging. [b]PLsTRS[/b] The robot isn't what it seems, Urgop is sure of this. ------------------------ [b]PLsTRS[/b] [b]Sarkh[/b] Sure, he's big and scary, but underneath that terrifying and violent exterior there's probably a lovable interior! Probably. [b]La[/b] The nice lady has lots of pretty words. Plasters sure does enjoy helping her out. [b]Gin[/b] Something feels off about the helmeted one, but that's alright! He's probably just very ugly. [b]Urgop[/b] Paranoid? That just means he needs all the help he can get! Even if he repeatedly attempts to trash Plasters. [b]March[/b] Very charismatic, a natural leader. Certainly handy with a gun. A+! [b]Renga Laxu[/b] Something about him just inspires confidence. Is it his way with words? Who knows! Plus, his shiny red skin is real pretty. [b]Arimax[/b] Always friendly. Seems likeable enough! Even if he is a bit... Mysterious and scary. [b]Keenan[/b] Wow, what shiny armor! Probably some kind of rich philanthropist helping the downtrodden. Plasters knows to get in good now if he ever wants to be well off! [b]Corvi[/b] Wow, a pilot! Sure, he used to be EMPIRE SCUM, but he seems to have changed his ways now. [b]Vixai[/b] Is she the one who fixed Plasters, made him what he is today? Could be!