[quote=@Tenish the Mighty] Seriously, is there anything sexier than seeing a power breaker in action? Hundred doesn't think so. As an aside, Hundred's sexual proclivities are something of an oddity. Gygans have a highly suppressed libido. The Consortium has little use for sexual behavior that interrupts it's workers' efficiency. Hundred, however, purposefully fights against her phylogenetic predisposition, and has mucked about with her own genetic code enough to have, partially accidentally, revived some of these biological inclinations. What Hundred does not know is that her homosexuality is also predisposed by her Gygan template. Before their genomic manipulation technology (since licensed to client species) was perfected, the Consortium could not completely suppress sexual inclination in the Gygans. They had however isolated the 'gay' polygene, enabling them to at least encourage sexual behavior that had lower risks of other biological complications. Primarily this was to prevent pregnancy. They could have simply sterilized the Gygans but were experimenting with utilizing natural reproduction in their workers, or utilizing their reproductive capabilities in another capacity. Hundred merely interfered with the alleles that prevented sexual expression. If she knew that her lesbian behavior was encouraged by Gygan tampering she would probably become a heterosexual out of spite. Sexual identity is a difficult thing to navigate when you are a rogue member of a genetically tailored servitor species. [/quote] You really could have summarised that with just "Hundred has the hots for Sevyn". Edit: "and will melt into a puddle of goo when Sevyn talks all technical about engineering and flying."