[@RumikoOhara] Anselma sat on the bus feeling useless. She couldn't drive a bus, she didn't have any supplies to offer, and she didn't have a certain skill trait that would help them. [i]"I'm going to drive myself insane if I don't help in some way"[/i] She thought to herself shaking her head. She looked through her bag for supplies but there was only useless schoolwork. She looked over at the pile of supplies and thought it would be best if we packed it up, if we ever need to leave the bus in a hurry. She dumped all her books and stuff out just leaving a few pencils and a binder full of paper. She then put all the supplies in the bag neatly and sipped it up and left it in the empty seat. [color=662d91][/color]Satisfied she looked outside and watched the neighborhood pass by. There were cars a few cars on fire and a decent amount of undead outside but other than that it looked like nothing had change. The trees were still green, the sky still blue, even that old abandon house is still there. For that moment it didn't seem like the world was going to end. She then turned over and looked over Miki shoulder. She started at all the buttons. After a moment or two she notice that meter that showed the fuel was low. [color=92278f]"Hey, don't you think we should pull over for some more gas?"[/color]