Jack coughed because of the ash, and stepped outside of the bathroom. [i]SMELL IT!!![/i] The evil side of him bellowed. Jack shook his head back and forth, not like that would make the 'other' side of him fly out of his ear. He clamped a hand over his nose and walked out of the room, watching Jade almost step in the blood. He kept a good distance, clinging to the wall behind him. He paused and looked down, seeing his barren feet on the ground. He shrieked and propelled himself up at the ceiling, knocking his head against it. Hovering near the ceiling he smacked the bottom of his feet, trying to get all that dirt and dust off. "The least they could do is clean the place before guests arrive." He mumbled. "I'm going to stay up here so I don't step in anything." He stated circling around Jade, "duck...duck...goose!" He yelled, tapping Jade and speeding off into the hallway laughing. "Might as well have some fun!" He added