[quote=@User] What I mean is, right you rp like this: HI, How are you. Look at anything else on this site. No one jus says stuff and does *Action* You are crazy... [/quote] The actions of the majority are not correct in every situation. In our particular situation, we find that that sort of roleplaying adds immensely to the immersion. We find ourselves more able to play our characters. [quote=@United] Hey, is this still open? I wanna join :D [/quote] It is always open. [quote=@User] Run, they are insane in how they rp. They got rid of a GM by force over his religious belifes [/quote] 1. He wasn't a GM, and 2. He was forcing his own beliefs on us. He very vehemently attacked ours, and eventually we had had enough. (Also, technically, we didn't kick him out; rather, he left after we told him off.)