[b][color=39b54a][h2]Cynthia Leoneart & Tybalt[/h2][/color][/b] When Veisu mentioned the white Rathalos, Cynthia's ears perked up. She remembers hearing about a white Rathalos earlier as she was heading to the bar, who was ravaging villages around the same area the warrior mentioned. White colorations are indeed rare in Rathalos, mostly seen around Misty Peaks. Curious, she takes a sip of her water as she pays her full attention to Veisu. "A white Rathalos?" she asked with an eyebrow up, "Around Misty Peaks? I think I might've briefly heard of it as I was coming here. Heard it was burning farms near Pokke Village, as well as stealing livestock and slaughtering several people. Is it that one?"