Hmm..... all right, plot fixup in the works. Genocide was killed, or at the very least put out of commission for an indeterminate period of time. Bloodseeker cut his head off (it grew back after), and then proceeded to slice him into pieces when he got annoyed at this jackass not bleeding properly. Then the ship they were in exploded because of the energy Genocide was releasing. Strygwyrr got out because Plot, and Genocide did not. He is presumed dead, but looking back at the track record of this Multiverse, the heroes are wary for his possible return. Without a leader to unite them, the Omegans each went their seperate ways. Alucard attempted to step up as acting commander, but he was just too much of a jackass for the others to follow him. He would have forced himself into power, being the most powerful of the Omegans, but unfortunately both Riftwalker and Cosmos would happily support any of the others in overthrowing him, and even Alucard wasn't confident of his chances facing the rest of the Omegans, all at once. The Omegans were chosen for their destructive tendencies, and most have returned to their ways. Bahamut seems to have disappeared, despite Drac's attempts at finding him, together with 5. The Riftwalker didn't hide, but rather moves around sufficiently rapidly that any attempt at confronting her would be futile. Luckily she isn't linked with any acts of destruction, she seems to be mostly just zapping around the Multiverse, scaring the shit out of random people. Alucard has destroyed a number of locations, and a number of heroes have faced him in battle, but his immense strength and regenerative powers have made putting him down immensely hard. Cosmos more subtly has manipulated entire realms into collapse, causing interstellar empires to devolve into anarchy in a matter of days. However, he has not been put down as of yet. Despite the eye-witness accounts of the Clayman, as well as most of Drac's family, Mia refuses to admit she was in any way affiliated with the Omegans, and went so far as to carve the proclamation of innocence into Lisa's arm. Even drac wasn't stupid enough to march into her fortress alone, however, especially as Stein moved in to back her up. Facing the two of them in Mia's laboratory was worse than suicide, for at least suicide was a swift death. This brings us to our current situation. Anyone who wishes for me to make alterations to this chain of events, please tell me.