[quote=@Tenish the Mighty]What Hundred does not know is that her homosexuality is also predisposed by her Gygan template. Before their genomic manipulation technology (since licensed to client species) was perfected, the Consortium could not completely suppress sexual inclination in the Gygans.[/quote] Not to forget the subtle social cues which were deliberately planted throughout her upbringing and early life to create a personality matrix which would be primed from homosexual, or at least homoflexible, relationships. [@TTwoThumbsUp] [color=lightgray][i]Unless we get into some freaky deaky VR/suit attachment shit.[/i][/color] [sub]Note to self: Add VR suite to the next deck.[/sub] Is everyone accounted for now? I'd like to make sure there's some progress towards making it to the next deck before I'm off for my trip tomorrow.