[b]Jernigan Corvi[/b] [b]Sarkh[/b] - Professionalism is something Corvi respects. Therefore, Sarkh has Corvi's respect. Corvi would probably be something of a subordinate to the Trandoshan merc, following orders with little question. [b]Ia[/b] - Probably a good drinking buddy, but Corvi doesn't necessarily subscribe to her idealism. Still, would probably make a good partner when it comes to boosting speeders. [b]Gin[/b] - There is something about this kid that rubs Corvi the wrong way. Sure, he's nice and all, but the eyeless thing freaks him out. The Empire's indoctrination against Jedi runs deep, and if Corvi finds out he will become automatically suspicious, even if he doesn't want to. [b]March[/b] - Definitely another drinking buddy. They'd likely bond over chatting about risky exploits, seeing as they both remain extremely calm under pressure. [b]Urgop[/b] - Settle down, bomb guy. Corvi isn't here to kill you. Just... keep far enough away that he isn't caught in the explosion, okay? [b]Renga[/b] - He hasn't learned much about this guy. Potential drinking buddy? [b]Arimax[/b] - Corvi reckons Arimax should just calm down and enjoy life a bit. The universe isn't going anywhere. [b]Keenan[/b] - Corvi's sworn mission in life is to take Keenan to a bar, get him drunk, and get him laid. He'd see the Mandalorian as a little brother in need of a bit of confidence. [b]Vixai[/b] - He respects her sense of patience and foresight. He respects that she may not necessarily trust him and is willing to be patient with it. [b]PLsTRS[/b] - Couldn't have asked for a better droid. Even though there may be problems with Corvi being a known Imperial military officer, he's glad to have the droid around.