As more and more people joined their table, Autumn felt her smile start slipping from her face as the number of people started making her nervous. She had never been around a lot of people at the facility, only Nate and one or two other doctors than had run the tests. With how many people were coming over, Autumn started to feel slightly boxed in. She scooted her chair closer to Name, pressing against his side slightly as her wide eye took in the other people. She was momentarily distracted by the sudden appearance of the food and her mouth dropped open slightly at how much there was. She had never seen so much food in her life! She didn't know what half of it was either. She sat there with a slightly lost look on her face, unsure of what to eat or if she was even allowed to start eating. Back at the facility the doctors used to get mad at her if she started eating before they told her she could and therefore was hesitant to take anything in fear of someone getting mad at her.