Amaya stared out the window as they were driving to a gas station or a fishery or Marina or wherever they were going; she really didn't know what they were doing. It's true she wanted to do what's best for everyone here and survive, but she can't help but feel like leaving the city meant leaving her family. [i]Kazuo isn't old enough yet to take care of everyone...[/i] she worried. She tried to shake away all of these negative thoughts but it wasn't working. [i]I really can't waste time, worrying about something I have no control over...All I can do is hope that they are okay.[/i] She realized that her fists have been clenched really hard and her nails were starting to dig into the flesh of her palm. She forced herself to relax, taking deep breaths. She had to admit that it was hard trying to be brave because she was terrified. She thought of everyone on the bus. She was sure that they all probably had people they were concerned about. [i]But what is there to do except try to live?[/i] So she kept on her smiling face. [color=ed145b]"So, what's the plan?"[/color]