[B]"I see the plan as being an easy one; remember KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. First when we stop for gas we clear the area around the and set out a watch then the rest move on to the store. Second we clear the store securing it before we move to the Primary objective. Third we turn on the pump and one of those in the store moves to the bus an pumps the fuel. Fourth those in the store collect all bottled water bagging it for easy carry and move it all back to the bus. Fifth bag and move all the canned an dried food to the bus. Sixth we secure any gas cans the store may have so they can be filled so when we reach the Marina it can be transfered to the boat Last we gather up all the food with a limited life span for food over the next several days."[/B] said Miki sounding like a teacher giving class instructions She drives slowly not stopping at any stations looking for one that has the least cars at and an attached store. As she does so she passes the one Glenn mentioned saying [B]"The fishing angle is a good Idea but tackle can be gotten at the marina. Oh and everyone try and remember we are now all members of a new and extended family. We may have been thrown together by this disaster but we are all together. As Alexandre Dumas said in his famous book" "All for one, one for all, that is our device"[/B]