[b]harry[/b] This comment caused Harry to laugh, and he said "your fancy agent speak, round and round the topic without actually touching it. You have no idea who did this, did you? Or you wouldn't be here, for one" he said, the amusement clearly in his tone, "you don't know what this school was, truly" he gave a shrug, then stepped away, "in anycase, your probably aren't going to find any things anyone who could tell you anything is probably already dead" he spoke frankly, and then walked away, towards where the dorms had been. [b]phoebe[/b] Annoyed she couldn't find Makoto easily, Phoebe created a hand full of miniature chlorofiends "find Makoto, for me" this would cut her search time considersbly, and when one returned, Phoebe followed it to Makoto. It wasn't a good scene. "Oh, Makoto" always one to offer comfort, Phoebe crouched by the distraught girl, but she had no words